Phased Reopening of School- 1st March 2021

25.02.2021 I am delighted to announce the phased reopening of Ard Rí CNS. We will continue to work hard to ensure the safe operation of our school for students, families and staff. Please watch this short video which will tell you everything you need to know… Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form This form is to be used when children are returning to Ard Rí CNS after any absence. 24.02.2021 Here are some really useful videos for parents and children about the return to school   23.02.2021 Dear Ard Rí Community, I hope everyone is safe and well. Preparations are underway for the phased reopening of Ard Rí starting on March 1st. Schools have not yet received direct advice from the Department of Education so we are drawing on our practical experience from Term 1 plus advice given to Special Classes and Special Schools who reopened this month. At this point I think it is best if families begin psychological and practical preparations for children in Junior, Senior Infants, First and Second to return to class in the school building next Monday. Moving from Remote Teaching to the classroom requires a lot of planning. In order to give teachers time to plan, prepare and organise their rooms teachers in these classes will not be correcting or giving feedback on pupil work on Thursday and Friday of this week. Teachers will correct completed work and offer feedback when we return to in-class teaching. On a very practical note please do not panic about uniforms not fitting etc. We know clothes shops are closed. Just do your best. Senior Classes...

New Entrants- September 2021

Dear Parents of incoming Junior Infants, The National Council for Special Education are hosting an online parental information seminar for parents of children who may have additional learning or care needs and who are due to start Primary School in September 2021. The presentation will be held on Thursday February 25th at 11am or Thursday March 4th at 11am If you wish to attend Contact our Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO) Anita Bray: [email protected] (Tel. 01-6033230) NEW Parental Seminar poster Meath...

Book Collection, School Laptops & Seesaw Login

Book Collection Teachers are currently preparing packs of books to be sent home. Packs can be collected from the school car park on Monday 11.01.2020 as follows: First letter of Surname Time             A-C 11:30-11:45 D-G 11:45-12:00 H-L 12:00-12:15 M-O 12:15-12:30 P-Z 12:30-12:45 There will be a drive-through system in place. Remain in your car. Enter via the gate at the Tennis Club. Classes Junior Infants- 2nd can be collected from points at the tennis club end Classes 3rd- 6th can be collected from points at the town end Follow the one-way system and as you come to your child’s teacher they will hand you a bag. Follow the directions from stewards and proceed to exit. If you are on foot proceed directly to your child’s class teacher. School Laptops If you require the use of a school laptop to support Distance Learning in your home please contact us on [email protected] or via the Parent Association. We have 10 machines just waiting to be used! Seesaw Login If you require Seesaw login details please email [email protected] and Debi will be happy to send you your login details once...

Ard Rí CNS on Seesaw

Check your child’s school bag for a ‘Seesaw- Home Learning Code’ If you did not receive a code please complete this consent form and we will get you set up as soon as possible: Online Learning Consent Form Signing into your Seesaw account is very straightforward: Go to on a computer or install the Seesaw Class App on an iOS or Android device Choose ‘I’m a Student’ Scan the QR Code or type in the manual code (available on your child’s sheet) when prompted We will be using Seesaw to support home learning. We will be merging Seesaw and traditional homework. We will be using Seesaw for some homework tasks each week; e.g. children will link to an approved website to practice literacy or numeracy skills or to upload a photo of their work or inquiry based learning to their portfolio. We have listened to your feedback. We will refer to text books and we will avoid any tasks where families have to print off worksheets etc. From time to time children will access their Seesaw portfolio on school devices. We will also be using Seesaw to support your child’s learning in the event of a class being asked by HSE to restrict their movements. Again, we will aspire to distribute textbooks where possible. Seesaw is a portfolio of your child’s learning. If you want to link in with your child’s class teacher please do so by emailing the office on [email protected]. If you do not have access to a computer please contact the office and we will support...

Safe Reopening of Schools- Department of Education Inspection

Dear Ard Rí Community, Following a Department of Education inspection on 24.09.2020 titled- ‘Supporting the Safe Reopening of Schools‘ our Inspector- Ms Fiona Rushe, found Ard Rí Community NS: Fully compliant in the implementation of public health advice to provide safe working and learning environments for all while dealing with Covid-19   Fully compliant with Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017 The full report is available here: 20352T_DES Insp Supporting the Safe Resumption of Schooling Report We have worked hard and we are delighted with the recognition that we have fully implemented the extensive guidelines which were provided to enable our pupils and staff return safely to school. That said, we cannot afford to become complacent. This report comes at a time where numbers of COVID cases in Ireland are rising at an alarming rate. We, as a community, must continue to follow guidelines and make every effort to stop the disease entering the school and spreading through the community. While on the school campus staying 2 meters apart from each other is difficult. Parents should wear a face covering while dropping off and collecting their children and must wear a face covering while talking to a member of school staff (HSE Guidelines) We are committed to continuing to work hard to keep our school a safe environment for every member of our community. Kind regards,...

Parish Catechetical Programme 2020-2021

Catechetical_Programme_2020_Registration Form  Hard copies of this form are available from your child’s class teacher upon request. Please complete the form and return to the Parish Office or to the sacristy of one of the churches at your early convenience. Letter from Fr Declan Hurley: Dear Parents/Guardians,   The restarting of the Parish Catechetical Programme this year presents some challenges, as I’m sure you can imagine.  The classrooms in St. Anne’s Resource Centre are of course too small, and an alternative venue is not easy to find!  However, after much deliberation and consultation, we are happy to announce the restart of the programme.  Some details have yet to be finalised following discussion and feedback, but for now we can confirm the following: The programme will be led by Fr. Sebi Tulbure who has replaced Fr. Shane Crombie.  Fr. Sebi is from Romania, and prior to joining us in Navan had ministered in Kells Parish since 2018.  He will be assisted by Barry White, a seminarian preparing for the priesthood, who has joined our Parish Team in Navan for the coming year. They will be assisted by teachers and other adult volunteers.  We are recruiting at the moment. The venue will be St. Oliver’s Church in Blackcastle, which is very spacious, and has ample parking facilities making it easier to arrange drop-off and pick-up. At this point, it is anticipated that the First Holy Communion preparation programme will take place on Tuesdays (starting Tuesday 3rd November) and the Confirmation preparation programme will take place on Wednesdays (starting Wednesday 4th November).  The time will be communicated at a later date. Please find attached the Registration Form. ...