Cór Fhéile na Scoileanna

Following on from their performance with Three Tenors Ireland in The Solstice Theatre last month the boys and girls from the Ard Rí Community National School Senior Choir, under conductor Ms Eimear Donnelly, performed at the School Choir Festival in The National Basketball Arena in Tallaght on Tuesday 07.03.2017. The school is delighted to have taken part in this festival which has been running for over fifty years. The boys and girls gave rousing renditions of a medley of traditional Irish songs and a their version of Katy Perry Firework had the audience on their feet dancing. The school choir at Ard Rí CNS, Navan has gone from strength to strength and rehearsals have already begun for The Navan Choral Festival in...

Videos from The Winter Show 2016

Well done to all classes who performed in the Ardboyne Hotel for this year’s Winter Show. You can click on the links below to see videos of each choir’s performance. To see Junior and Senior Infants click below: To see first and Second Class click below: To see Third, Fourth and Fifth Classes perform click below: Huge thanks to the parents who recorded the shows and to Avril Byrne for editing and uploading to...

The Three Tenors at Solstice Arts

Our Senior School Choir accompanied The Three Tenors Ireland at our local Solstice Arts Centre on Friday 10th of February 2017. The school choir, on only it’s third public performance, looked completely at ease as they performed confidently on the big stage with Derek, Dominic and Shane who perform up to 100 concerts annually in such prestigious venues as the National Concert Hall in Dublin, Cork Opera House, Killarney INEC and Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin and have been interviewed live on air by both BBC and RTE Radio One and most recently on TV3 Ireland. The choir accompanied the tenors for the chorus of ‘Home From the Sea’ as well as giving their own rousing renditions of ‘When I Grow Up’ from Matilda- The Musical and ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry. Our choir co-ordinator Ms Eimear Donnelly deserves special mention for preparing the children for the big event. We hope this was a night the children will never forget. The choir will perform next at The National Basketball Arena in Tallaght for Corfhéile na Scoileanna on Tuesday 07.03.2017. We are looking forward to seeing them on the big stage...

Winter Show 2016

On Monday December 19th, our girls and boys from all classes entertained us with their series of festive songs Videos of each class set performances will be uploaded to our YouTube channel ArdRí TV Here is the link for the Senior Classes (3rd, 4th 7...

Ard Rí Food Drive

Thank you to everyone who supported the Ard Rí Community NS annual charity food drive. This year our hampers will go to Navan Meals on Wheels. The boys and girls each purchased an item from a shopping list of non-perishable items and brought the items to school. Then parent volunteers packed and wrapped the food into hampers. We will deliver the hampers to Meals on Wheels and from there they will be delivered to the elderly in...

Make and Do at the Solstice

Boys and Girls from Ard Rí were delighted to be invited to the Solstice Arts Centre to make decorations for their café and Christmas tree. ‘I can’t wait to surprise my mum when I bring her in and show her what we’ve made here’ said one very excited little girl.                                                            We have established a strong partnership with the Solstice over the years. This year alone we attended three shows and two art exhibitions. They do exceptional work in supporting the arts in Navan and we are proud to support their kids...