New Entrants- September 2021

24.08.2021 Just one more sleep!! We are very excited to welcome all our Junior Infants to school tomorrow morning at 10am. We have been very busy getting ready and the place is looking great. Children wear their formal uniform for the first few days. Teacher will let you know tracksuit days for next week. It is going to be a sunny day so navy shorts and jumper off is not a problem- be comfy! Pack a small healthy lunch and a drink of water. Park in the car park and walk up the avenue. It will be difficult to ensure social distance so parents please wear a mask. We will divide the children into their two class groupings and families will meet Múinteoir Karen and Múinteoir Eimear in the yard. This might take a few minutes so please be patient. Children will then say good bye and walk to class. Unfortunately we cannot let parents in to the classrooms. We will make a video of the children’s first day at big school and share it with you as soon as we can. Darragh will meet all parents in the carpark after drop off for a quick chat and to answer any questions. School times Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th, Friday 27th August: 10.00 to 12.00 Monday 30th August to Friday 3rd September: 9.00 to 12.00 Monday 6th September and on: 9.00 to 1.40 Newsletter Return to School 13.08.2021 (click here) 12.05.2021 I hope everybody is safe and well. We are really looking forward to welcoming all new pupils to Ard Rí CNS on Wednesday 25th August 2021 at 10am. School...


  World Down Syndrome Day was celebrated on 21st March. For the last four years we have raised funds for Down Syndrome Ireland. Down Syndrome Ireland continues to serve their members and anyone who needs help during these difficult times. Now that we are all back together Ard Rí CNS Parent Association want to continue to support DSI by hosting ‘Lots of Socks’ day this Friday 14th of May. The ‘Lots of Socks’ campaign represents the extra chromosome that people with Down syndrome have and is internationally recognised to raise awareness about Down syndrome. We ask everyone to come to school on Friday rocking their most colourful and fun socks and to donate whatever you can afford to Down Syndrome Ireland by clicking on this link:  ...

Post-Primary Schools: Cognitive Ability Tests Spring 2021

March 2021 St Patrick’s Classical School  have changed plans to hold Assessment Tests. A letter from Deputy Principal McGarry states- “In light of current public health advice, schools are advised not to conduct New Entrants 2021 Assessment Tests for September 2021 at this time. In our case, this was the Cognitive Ability Test (C.A.T.), due to be held in our school on Saturday 17th April 2021. The wellbeing and safety of students and staff is of the highest priority. Should restrictions ease it may be possible to hold these tests at a later date before the commencement of the 2021/22 school year, possibly in August 2021.”   Beaufort College have just informed us it is unlikely they will hold in person ability testing in advance of in-coming First Years starting school in September. They will more than likely wait until the children are in school and hold the CAT4 assessments then. We will be working with the Home School Liaison Team from Beaufort College to assist in the transition for all pupils from 6 Class to Post-Primary.   September 2020 Dear Parents of 5th & 6th Class pupils, Choosing a Post-Primary school is a big decision. Open Evenings are usually held at this time of year. Due to Covid, schools are unable to host Information Evenings for parents of Incoming 1st years. You will have to carry our your research online. Applications can only be made for September 2021, however I will include 5th Class in all correspondence as your time to apply will come before your know it. Parents are responsible for making applications on behalf of their children.  There are 5 Post Primary options...

Phased Reopening of School- 15th March 2021

08.03.2021 Schools have received confirmation that the reopening of classes 3rd to 6th can proceed as planned on Monday March 15th. We are confident we have all the required infection prevention and control measures in place. The Department of Health and the HSE have reaffirmed if we rigorously follow these measures we can keep the school community safe from COVID.   Schools are also asked to remind parents and pupils not to congregate in school grounds/at school gates. Remember; stand well back take your time and wear a mask at drop off and pick up.   Moving from Remote Teaching to the classroom requires a lot of planning. In order to give teachers time to plan, prepare and organise their rooms teachers in these classes will not be correcting or giving feedback on pupil work on Thursday and Friday of this week. Teachers will correct completed work and offer feedback when we return to in-class teaching.   On a very practical note please do not panic about uniforms not fitting etc. We know clothes shops are closed. Just do your best. To know your child’s tracksuit days click here   Please watch this short video which will tell you everything you need to know…   Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form This form is to be used when children are returning to Ard Rí CNS after any absence. I hope you are looking forward to coming back to school. We are all so excited to see you. Please don’t be worried if you feel you have fallen behind because you have all come so far. If you are dedicated...

Phased Reopening of School- 1st March 2021

25.02.2021 I am delighted to announce the phased reopening of Ard Rí CNS. We will continue to work hard to ensure the safe operation of our school for students, families and staff. Please watch this short video which will tell you everything you need to know… Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form This form is to be used when children are returning to Ard Rí CNS after any absence. 24.02.2021 Here are some really useful videos for parents and children about the return to school   23.02.2021 Dear Ard Rí Community, I hope everyone is safe and well. Preparations are underway for the phased reopening of Ard Rí starting on March 1st. Schools have not yet received direct advice from the Department of Education so we are drawing on our practical experience from Term 1 plus advice given to Special Classes and Special Schools who reopened this month. At this point I think it is best if families begin psychological and practical preparations for children in Junior, Senior Infants, First and Second to return to class in the school building next Monday. Moving from Remote Teaching to the classroom requires a lot of planning. In order to give teachers time to plan, prepare and organise their rooms teachers in these classes will not be correcting or giving feedback on pupil work on Thursday and Friday of this week. Teachers will correct completed work and offer feedback when we return to in-class teaching. On a very practical note please do not panic about uniforms not fitting etc. We know clothes shops are closed. Just do your best. Senior Classes...

New Entrants- September 2021

Dear Parents of incoming Junior Infants, The National Council for Special Education are hosting an online parental information seminar for parents of children who may have additional learning or care needs and who are due to start Primary School in September 2021. The presentation will be held on Thursday February 25th at 11am or Thursday March 4th at 11am If you wish to attend Contact our Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO) Anita Bray: [email protected] (Tel. 01-6033230) NEW Parental Seminar poster Meath...