Phased Reopening of School- 1st March 2021


I am delighted to announce the phased reopening of Ard Rí CNS. We will continue to work hard to ensure the safe operation of our school for students, families and staff.

Please watch this short video which will tell you everything you need to know…

Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form

This form is to be used when children are returning to Ard Rí CNS after any absence.


Here are some really useful videos for parents and children about the return to school



Dear Ard Rí Community,

I hope everyone is safe and well.

Preparations are underway for the phased reopening of Ard Rí starting on March 1st. Schools have not yet received direct advice from the Department of Education so we are drawing on our practical experience from Term 1 plus advice given to Special Classes and Special Schools who reopened this month.

At this point I think it is best if families begin psychological and practical preparations for children in Junior, Senior Infants, First and Second to return to class in the school building next Monday. Moving from Remote Teaching to the classroom requires a lot of planning. In order to give teachers time to plan, prepare and organise their rooms teachers in these classes will not be correcting or giving feedback on pupil work on Thursday and Friday of this week. Teachers will correct completed work and offer feedback when we return to in-class teaching.

On a very practical note please do not panic about uniforms not fitting etc. We know clothes shops are closed. Just do your best.

Senior Classes continue to persevere. Please keep up the great work you are doing on Seesaw.

We will contact you as soon as we have more updates.

Keep going,
