August 2023
Dia duit gach duine,
The return to school is just around the corner. Preparations are now well underway. Teachers are working hard planning and busy organising their workspaces for the new year. Let’s go!
I want to provide you with some quick reminders and updates:
- School reopens for all pupils on Wednesday 30th August. Classes Senior Infants to 6th start at 9am. Any new pupils joining Senior Infants to 6th come to the school at 9.15am on Wednesday so we can direct you to your new class. New Junior Infants are in school from 10am to midday on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
- ‘Drop and Go’ and ‘Park and Walk’ will work as before from day one. The green gates will open at 8.50am. No parents to pass the green gates please. Children will line up with their classmates on yard and enter their classrooms all together at 9am with first lesson commencing immediately.
- Be aware there are some building works taking place at the Rugby Club.
- We are putting the final touches on recruitment and teacher allocation. There are a few changes to class teachers. We will notify affected classes directly in the coming days.
- If you have not already done so; please make €25 payment for Music Generation and Accident Insurance as soon as possible. You will receive a Way2Pay link shortly.
- School uniform is available through Geoghegans, Trimgate Street. Your child will need a good size school bag, a well stocked pencil case, a lunchbox for a healthy lunch and a reusable water bottle. LABEL EVERYTHING!
Extra Curricular Activities:
We are delighted to bring you a range of extra-curricular activities again this year.
- Creative Keyboards are now enrolling for keyboard classes at Ard Rí CNS starting September 2023. For all info and bookings: click here
- Primary Pals Homework Club for Junior and Senior Infants will run from 1.40-2.40 and 2.40-3.40, Monday to Friday. For all info and bookings please call Jana on 0863445115
- Study Mates Homework Club for pupils 1st to 6th will run from 2.40-3.40 Monday to Thursday. For all info and bookings please email Niamh and Angela on
- Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Club for 2nd-6th will run from 2.40-3.40 on a Friday. For all info and bookings please email Jack on
Enrolment has been very strong this year. There are still places available in some classes. As explained before the summer our teacher allocation depends on pupil numbers. If you know of any one looking for a school place or if your child will not be returning to school with us please email
I will be back in touch shortly with more information.
Go raibh maith agaibh,